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SCHNAIL changed map

Hmm, has somebody been playing around a bit with their SCHNAIL installation?

base with many geysers, other alterations

This is from a replay recorded on the SCHNAIL server. I noticed a few other replays with similar map... issues.


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Sonko on :

Yeah, the problem is known. That is one of the prime reasons why I want to move everything to the cloud.

Jay Scott on :

Simpler would be to add an integrity check, which would at least take effort to break. Would somebody take the effort?

Dan on :

The question comes up pretty often: How do I enable cheats?

As competitors with a personal attachment to the bot it can feel unfair but from the players perspective it doesn't feel much different than playing against stock AI that's just there for our amusement.

Jay Scott on :

And I tend to agree—for practice games. Give players what freedom is available to do what they want. Authors would like some marking of which games are nonstandard, but then, SCHNAIL doesn’t give authors much information as it is.

MicroDK on :

Or download maps before every game.

MicroDK on :

Can the replay disclose if a hacked map was used? If yes, then just discard that game.

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