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AIIDE 2023 participants

The AIIDE 2023 participants have been announced on a Google spreadsheet. They are the usual suspects and the carryovers plus Infested Artosis.

Infested Artosis by Brad Ewing is not high ranked, but I like it. It’s simple. You can read through the code on GitHub in a short time. It’s a far cry from the complex code of Steamhammer, which must be baffling to those who first look at it. At the same time, it has the nice feature that it independently learns what build to play and what unit mix to make. Both are straightforward picks from short lists. There’s provision for learning whether to make static defense too.

Enjoy the competition, Infested Artosis!

In other news, JyJ versus Soulkey in ASL 16 today was a dramatic TvZ best-of-five. The last two games were particularly hard-fought.


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