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AIIDE 2023 - what InfestedArtosis learned

InfestedArtosis learns three things independently of each other: Opening build, unit mix, and whether to build a defensive sunken under certain circumstances. For some reason, every opponent has data for exactly 46 decisions of whether to build the defense. I didn’t look into why.

It enables different options against each race, so I made separate tables. It didn’t seem worthwhile to write code to extract the small amount of data from 8 short files (especially the clumsy way I first thought of doing it), so I made the tables by hand. There may be minor errors.

The tables simply repeat what’s in the learning files. The first number is wins, the second is losses.


OverPool 073 073 1454
NinePoolSpeed 073 073 133
FourPool 070 070 3543
TwelveHatch 073 072 3176
LingFlood 073 073 77115
Mutalisk 072 072 333
Default 072 072 130
Hydra 072 071 028
sunken 046 046 1333

InfestedArtosis seems to have lost information about one game versus #2 Stardust, though the official results say that all 290 games completed and that InfestedArtosis had zero crashes.

#3 PurpleWave was vulnerable to zerglings, especially with 4 pool but also after the economical 12 hatchery.


OverPool 055 159 358
TwelvePool 054 056 152
NinePoolSpeed 364 156 766
TwelveHatch 158 056 049
NineHatch 054 055 049
LingFlood 1137 2148 4132
Mutalisk 3148 0137 7142
sunken 145 046 244


TwelvePool 1553
NinePoolSpeed 1352
FourPool 030
TwelveHatch 3581
LingFlood 133
Mutalisk 1045
Default 3884
Hydra 1454
sunken 838

Rushes did not work against the slow-moving #7 Dragon, but countering with slow zerg play was fairly effective. TwelveHatch 35/81 is 43%, while TwelvePool 15/53 is only 28%.


OverPool 161
NinePoolSpeed 058
FourPool 1865
FivePool 677
LingFlood 21100
Mutalisk 359
Default 153
Hydra 049
sunken 244

I’m surprised that 4 pool worked as well as it did against UAlbertaBot. UAlbertaBot’s protoss and zerg builds should both counter it.


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