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AIIDE 2023 - what UAlbertaBot learned

total-  31%5-279  2%25-263  9%53-236  18%9-274  3%183-102  64%112-170  40%48-236  17%263-26  91%
4RaxMarines8-117 6%0-19 0%5-33 13%0-11 0%0-22 0%-3-16 16%0-16 0%-
MarineRush181-240 43%2-25 7%1-18 5%14-54 21%1-28 3%65-30 68%18-45 29%3-29 9%77-11 88%
TankPush1-89 1%0-18 0%1-16 6%0-11 0%0-21 0%-0-7 0%0-16 0%-
VultureRush1-90 1%0-18 0%0-12 0%0-11 0%0-21 0%-0-7 0%1-21 5%-
DTRush24-177 12%1-40 2%0-25 0%3-41 7%0-18 0%--20-53 27%-
DragoonRush2-119 2%0-32 0%2-39 5%0-22 0%0-18 0%--0-8 0%-
ZealotRush229-236 49%0-32 0%2-39 5%0-22 0%8-54 13%62-46 57%59-23 72%3-18 14%95-2 98%
2HatchHydra44-143 24%1-27 4%0-10 0%32-44 42%0-23 0%-2-10 17%9-29 24%-
3HatchMuta1-73 1%0-21 0%0-10 0%0-4 0%0-23 0%-0-5 0%1-10 9%-
3HatchScourge1-73 1%0-20 0%1-14 7%0-4 0%0-23 0%-0-5 0%0-7 0%-
ZerglingRush206-229 47%1-27 4%13-47 22%4-12 25%0-23 0%56-26 68%30-52 37%11-29 28%91-13 88%

UAlbertaBot’s primary builds are MarineRush, ZealotRush (9-9 gates), and ZerglingRush (5 pool). Against #5 McRave and #9 InfestedArtosis, it stuck with them. Against other opponents it experimented with alternatives to try to escape its losses. It found 4RaxMarines (barracks at 4 supply) against #2 Stardust, 2HatchHydra against #3 PurpleWave, and DTRush against #7 Dragon.


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