AIIDE 2016 results discussion
The AIIDE 2016 results are out. The top finishers, in order, are Iron, ZZZKBot, Tscmoo zerg, Letabot—half terran and half zerg. As usual, Martin Rooijackers sent me a few observations. Here are my thoughts so far.
• The tournament was played on the same maps as last year. It doesn’t call for that in the rules. We know that they’re OK maps, though.
• Martin Rooijackers says that all four top finishers were updated in between the CIG 2016 entry deadline and the AIIDE deadline a month later. [This turned out to be wrong. See the comments. I misread Martin Rooijacker’s message—he wrote that #1 Iron and #2 ZZZKBot had been updated.] You need continual work to stay at the top. It’s fierce up there.
• In particular, ZZZKBot moved up to #2, with minus scores only against fellow zergs Overkill and JiaBot. I’m curious to know what the improvements are.
• Tscmoo zerg scored even against ZZZKBot (a poor performance; zerg should easily beat the 4 pool), and worse than even against the rest of the top 5. Tscmoo owed its #3 finish to terrorizing its inferiors. Martin Rooijackers took this to mean that terran dominated. But with 2 of the top 4, I have to say that zerg is hanging in there.
• In last year’s AIIDE, UAlbertaBot and Overkill were neck-and-neck. The Bayesian Elo calculation said that UAlbertaBot was about 60% likely to be stronger, a narrow margin. Neither has been updated since. [This was also wrong! See comments.] In CIG 2016, Overkill was ahead. In this tournament, UAlbertaBot finished well ahead. These two can’t make up their minds! Apparently this time UAlbertaBot with its rush builds was better able to cope with the changing field.
• XIMP made it to #6. On SSCAIT its last update was February 2015, and I believe it was a minor adjustment to timings. The carrier strategy seems resilient. By contrast IceBot, AIIDE and CIG champion in 2014 ahead of XIMP, was in the middle of the pack. All its smarts did not make it resilient against improvements in its enemies.
• “JiaBot” in AIIDE is probably the same as “Ziabot” in CIG and “Zia bot” in SSCAIT. In some languages, the same sound can transliterate into English as either J or Z. Looking at the Ziabot source from CIG 2016, I think that the author is Korean based on variable names.
• Xelnaga finished ahead of Skynet, which surprised me. In CIG, XelnagaII was near the bottom. It seems a surprisingly sudden change.
• Tyr finished dead last by a mile, with a 1% win rate which seems so low that it must be due to bugs. Tyr had major updates this year which left it fairly strong. It finished in the middle of the pack in CIG 2016. I imagine it was updated at the last minute with a grievous error.
Tomorrow: The Elo table. I’ve done the calculations, but I have to draw up the table.
krasi0 on :
Jay Scott on :
LetaBot on :
I also got the information from the excel that dave churchill put up. But it could ofc be that someone registered but didn't submit.
Jay Scott on :
Jay Scott on :
krasi0 on :
tscmoo on :
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Jay Scott on :