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UAlbertaBot fixes #4 and #5

#4 where are you? where are you?

CombatCommander::getMainAttackLocation() figures out where the “main attack” squad should aim to attack. It thinks the enemy main base is the top possibility. Here enemyBaseLocation is the location of the enemy main base (the comment is a little off), null if the enemy base location is not known.

    // First choice: Attack an enemy region if we can see units inside it                                                        
    if (enemyBaseLocation)
        BWAPI::Position enemyBasePosition = enemyBaseLocation->getPosition();

        // get all known enemy units in the area                                                                                 
        BWAPI::Unitset enemyUnitsInArea;
        MapGrid::Instance().GetUnits(enemyUnitsInArea, enemyBasePosition, 800, false, true);

        bool onlyOverlords = true;
	for (auto & unit : enemyUnitsInArea)
            if (unit->getType() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Overlord)
                onlyOverlords = false;

        if (!BWAPI::Broodwar->isExplored(BWAPI::TilePosition(enemyBasePosition)) || !enemyUnitsInArea.empty())
            if (!onlyOverlords)
                return enemyBaseLocation->getPosition();

The isExplored() check is supposed to account for the case where the location of the enemy base has been inferred although the base has not been seen. (UAlbertaBot infers the location of the enemy base when it has seen all but 1 starting location and they’re all bare.) But the check is not correct, because of how onlyOverlords and isExplored() are combined.

The effect is that, if the enemy base location has been inferred, the first combat units do not go toward it but believe that the enemy base is empty. If no other enemy buildings have been seen, the squad ends up exploring the map trying to find the enemy whose location is already known. This happened in one game of Steamhammer 0.2 versus PeregrineBot, and it was the main reason that PeregrineBot won. I’ve seen it in other games too.

The exploration check can be made correct by separating it from the onlyOverlords check.

	if (enemyBaseLocation)
		BWAPI::Position enemyBasePosition = enemyBaseLocation->getPosition();

		// If the enemy base hasn't been seen yet, go there.
		if (!BWAPI::Broodwar->isExplored(BWAPI::TilePosition(enemyBasePosition)))
			return enemyBasePosition;

		// get all known enemy units in the area
		BWAPI::Unitset enemyUnitsInArea;
		MapGrid::Instance().GetUnits(enemyUnitsInArea, enemyBasePosition, 800, false, true);

		for (auto & unit : enemyUnitsInArea)
			if (unit->getType() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Overlord)
				// Enemy base is not empty: It's not only overlords in the enemy base area.
				return enemyBasePosition;

#5 there is always a building rush

Here is how UAlbertaBot checks whether it is getting proxied.

bool CombatCommander::beingBuildingRushed()
    int concernRadius = 1200;
    BWAPI::Position ourBasePosition = BWAPI::Position(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());

    // check to see if the enemy has zerglings as the only attackers in our base                                                 
    for (auto & unit : BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy()->getUnits())
        if (unit->getType().isBuilding())
            return true;

    return false;

Well, there is an incorrect comment, but that’s not a bug. The routine omits one little condition.

        if (unit->getType().isBuilding() && unit->getDistance(myBasePosition) < 1200)

UAlbertaBot thinks it is being proxied whenever it knows the location of any enemy building anywhere on the map. The bug causes workers to be pulled for emergency defense more often than originally intended. See CombatCommander::findClosestDefender. Here’s the rather confusing line you may want to rewrite to change when workers are pulled for defense:

        if (!Config::Micro::WorkersDefendRush || (unit->getType().isWorker() && !zerglingRush && !beingBuildingRushed()))


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AIL on :

I have completely changed the getMainAttackLocation()-method.
Steamhammer for example sometimes just ignores my natural because it wants to attack my main, even if the main is defended and the natural is not, causing its lings to hop back and forth instead of shredding the expansion.

What I have done is to look for the closest enemy building from the center of my bases first and possible starting-locations with a lower priority.

Jay Scott on :

Yes, I intend to completely replace that method too, but it is further down the to-do list. I may get to it around the same time that I abolish the bunker obsession. It is one of a bunch of cases where I want to replace hardcoded if-then chains with enumerate-the-possibilities-and-then-score-them. When I finally get that far, the scoring will be done by a machine learning algorithm with the potential to be much, much smarter at taking into account the whole context. But I’m proceeding step by step, which means you’re getting far ahead of me for now!

AIL on :

My current problem is that my bot started to crash again. This is super-frustrating.
I thought I had fixed the issue but am now unsure I ever had and whether it's a new issue or the old one still.
Ironbot is really good at triggering the crash.

Besides the crash there's a massive slipup it has against Ironbot. Ironbot likes to build turrets around my base and for some reason the Mutas keep attacking them all the time instead of avoiding them. It looks like, once again an issue with SparCraft.
Sparcraft also does not take Vulture-kiting into account, which is just super-effective against my Zerglings.

Jay Scott on :

SparCraft has worked OK against vultures and turrets for me. I think SparCraft does take vulture kiting into account—at least its source code says it does. But Iron is a micro virtuoso and is really on a different level!

krasi0 on :

True that. There is no other way in beating so many good Protoss bots with bionic play for example. Iron's micro is miles ahead of mine!

Jay Scott on :

By the way, Killerbot by Marian Devecka is another opponent with the same BWAPI version that should be easy for you to test against. Just thought I’d mention it in case you don’t know.

Ail on :

Hu, it is? I thought I tried it.
One thing where my Bot has problems in ZvZ is Muta-Timings like the one Zzzkbot uses, when I play more eco-heavy. While my Bot can get the spire just as early, the way it works right now is to not save up for the mutas and only build them one after the other, which is kinda bad if the opponent gets 6 at once. But I could let him save std::min(gas, larvaecount*100) minerals once the spire is under construction.

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