SSCAIT semifinals and finals, part 1
This post is about the boring stuff that happened in the SSCAIT semifinals and finals. I’m saving the most interesting games for a later post. It’s all part of my natural laziness—er, I mean, cruelty.
The round of 4, aka semifinals, was played as best-of-3. The winners moved on to the final, which was best of 5.
round of 4: LetaBot vs Iron
LetaBot played its SCV rush. Iron’s author Igor Dimitrijevic reported (in a comment) that Iron easily beats Stone’s SCV rush. But LetaBot’s rush is more aggressive than Stone’s, and LetaBot won 2-1.
Game 2 was the only interesting one. Iron did not adapt its build to the emergency and started a second factory instead of building a vulture from the first and winning. When Iron lost all SCVs, it still did not cancel the unfinished second factory and win. Instead, LetaBot was cleaning up Iron’s base and killed the second factory, releasing its cost so that Iron could build vultures from the first factory, which it did, and won.
Lesson: Apparently not enough opponents have put early pressure on Iron. It hasn’t needed to adapt in that time frame before!
round of 4: XIMP vs Krasi0
This match deserves more time, so I’ll write about it... hmm... the day after tomorrow.
finals: LetaBot vs Krasi0
SCV rush again, to the disappointment of many, and a LetaBot victory. The games are not much worth commenting on. I did notice that when Krasi0 ran short of SCVs it recalled the scouting SCV from LetaBot’s base, a cute emergency response that I promptly added to Steamhammer.
Now SCV rushbot Stone has been reactivated as I had wished. I expect that all actively-updated top bots will be able to cope with SCV rushes before the next SSCAIT. Iron and Krasi0 already have been.
LetaBot on :
Although that one is mainly just a tank push from Iron. About as much you can say about that as the SCV rush of my bot.
Jay Scott on :
krasi0 on :
It serves as a compliment and is always nice when someone else notices the little smarts in a bot's play ;)
Jay Scott on :