Index of First Lines

The age of opportunity The aim and the error form one word Albuquerque As in the Iliad, Book 20, when As time passes As when the fisher, lost in the wine-dark wine At last the summer’s over and the earth returns to right Back when Barbary waived the rules Barnacles bound from the harrowing sound Be not the first by whom the new is tried Be or not be to beweep Beauty has teeth, teeth beauty; farewell, wits Better safe than storied Blasting through the sky The boy flew off the burning deck Bring me my prose of turning cold Busy young fool, unruly Donne By my so potent art, as full as opera Come to the overmanaged park and see Confusion is only natural Dance, dance, Jesus dance Dear terrifying terrorists Death, be not sad, though some have called thee A delicate rhythm befits the informal age don’t be a slave Double, double, cosmic bubble Dove: It can’t be won! The earth was bashed together from rocks The ear—the plug—the fate of a churning nation— Erdogan! The far night For all the bird’s misgiving freight train, ball game, seeing the final scene From the arc of the ankle A girl stood by the ocean The glorious backlit marmalade slides down the sky The haiku warned me Hang your head up on the wall He wasn’t dumb. His intellect was sound Hear the ancient Kalevala Here in my hair the sun of Venice toils Higgledy piggledy Higgledy piggledy The horror crawls in toddlers’ scrawls How doth the little neutron bomb Humpty Dumpty lies in state I eat my peas with honey. I do it for a lark I hope you did not miss the beautiful moon I met a robot from Aristarchus Rim I must go up to the sky again, to the dark beyond the blue I pulled on a loose thread of history I saw a goth girl on the train one night I set the goals that make the whole world run I stand on a balcony high in the tower I used to have a handsome fatherland I will go down to DC again, to the crowded Mall and the Pool I would like to turn everyone’s attention to a writer who, unlike many others, continued to swim after making his splash Ich weiß nicht was soll es bedeuten If ever the ships come to break our clan If I had my druthers, I would live If you visit Washington, DC If you’re crazy and you know it, fly to Mars importing lark song In shallows In the beginning was the word In the world’s first night the earth lay down In ’79, in Davis, California The Internet loads mysterious codes Is this the launch that faced a thousand slips It was not Truth - I looked it up Itsy, Bitsy, Tiny and Few Jack and Jill went down the hill Just slept when I awoke “Keep, ancient lands,” we cry, “your foreign brains!" Lady Liberty came to me last night le do zilcrino le xuncutcpi su’o slaka Let the firebrand awake! Look how the rosy-fingered dawn Lunch comes in at the mouth Mary had a little lamb The meaning of a word is like a needle The Moon Camp The moving van devours, then, in a doze Mumbledy jumbledy My candle burns in the middle My darling, we were children My heart aches, and the blackest hellfire fiend North Factory: without good there could be no evil Not brains, not skill, not luck nothing depends Now, what does a seahorse use for a rocking chair? O Brexit deal, O Brexit deal O faring moon, O sun, O star O Generation of the entirely snug Odysseus dodged the sirens. He dared not risk Oh say, can you see, by the light’s early dawn On August 21, 1969, a spacecraft arrived in Earth orbit Ours is not to reason why Over the hills and over Picture yourself by the moat of a castle The placing of blame is a difficult matter Put out your eyes as if they were a fire Red-winged blackbirds are all we know The roses are dead Roses are rose and violets are violet The rumpled sun wakes up to survey the earth The sea will roil Seinfeld and Roseanne Barr She was buried when we first met A Shout of Herbal Essence The sink is full tonight So wie Wolken, weiß und weltumfassend Sodium light is the ship’s sky Some say the world will end in trash ,somewhere i could never travel Speak now, or forever hold your gall Split the hair - when you face the music Squirming and squirming in the brightening glare Summer is in the eye of the Sweet dreams and hollow fears Swift as a chimney swallowing a barn Symmetry: She is the lovely ideal take me home tell a tale of ten-pins “There—from the mountain! there—in the wood! There’s one birthday that I’m pretty sure pretty much everyone will pretty much forget They tucked in drinks and hashed it out This Thought is not Conclusion Three counts for mountebanks out of the eye tiled like a bathroom A tiny snack can justify ’Tis better to have loved and lost To me there is only one day Twinkle, twinkle, little star The U.N. has a resolution Walk off, walk off, Voltaire, Rousseau We are neoformalists The Weekly World News and the National Enquirer What fun it is to mold your craft When a water drop arrives When Barsoom invades the lower house When Cupertino smites the air when earth fell, dark, above, and sun rose, hot, below When I look on the masters’ works When the forts of folly fall When we first met I saw a blinding flash Who and when, where and why Who can know the future? Who, if I cried warning, would hear me among the angelic Why do we three draw the sea The world is charged with obstruction of justice Yankee Doodle polish up