23 October 2005 - secret printer codes

< yesterday -- tomorrow >

The Only Escape

Knowledge rises up like downfall: Your computer documents are labeled with data on their origin. When you print them, your printer labels them again. Like other social species, humans overinvest in knowledge about themselves and neglect the rest of the universe. Someday we’ll have total knowledge and control of society, and the rest of creation, well, it may or may not still exist.

Anybody who believes that the little yellow dots are the only code secretly added by printers, go stand over there with the people who believe that the codes are used only to prevent counterfeiting. Keep outside the blast radius; you sheep should be fairly safe if you stay in the flock. We’ll be sure to write from Mars!

the Daily Whale || copyright 2005, 2024 Jay J.P. Scott <jay@satirist.org>