16 November 2005 - Sony in therapy

< yesterday -- tomorrow >

Sony: All I wanted was for everybody to have a safe, enjoyable music experience....
therapist: Now remember, the first step toward acknowledging your problems is to be served with a class-action lawsuit.
Sony: ... as long as it was profitable. Is it wrong to lock other people’s houses so they can’t steal from you?
therapist: When you want to get started, I have just a few questions—
Sony: Is it wrong to monitor when our CDs are played? Not that we would ever do that, of course.
therapist: Of course. Now, if we could get started—
Sony: Our words were twisted. Our software didn’t open new avenues of attack. The bad guys had to break in before it gave them the keys to the treasure room.
therapist: Hello? Are you listening at all?
Sony: And how were we to know that our way of removing the software would open such a gaping world-class security hole? It’s so hard to find good henchmen nowadays.
therapist: Away, ye font of evil, away!
Sony: Well, at least I’m still popular.


How long has listening to music been dangerous?

If there were ever grounds for a consumer boycott.... It has everything: Greed, incompetence, lying and coverups, stonewalling, injury to millions of innocents, and what I would call fraud.

give me a clue so sweet and true

the Daily Whale || copyright 2005, 2024 Jay J.P. Scott <jay@satirist.org>