30 December 2005 - activist and agent

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Smart and Weird Visit a Political Protest

activist: Impeach King W!
covert agent: Interesting. Tell me more.
activist: Well, to start with, the domestic spying—wait, that doesn’t look like a cell phone.
Smart: [taking it all in] Congratulations, you are not radioactive.
covert agent: It’s nothing. Tell me about your subversive masters.
activist: My would-be master seeks power through fear and information control, but we will overthrow him!
covert agent: I mean—
Weird: [to activist] Ignore the horsefly. He’s so far gone, he thinks a spruce blade is a wooden sword.
covert agent: A weapon? Where?
Smart: To put it in more modern language, a spruce blade is like a flash cove. But the important question is, will Regent Cheney be any better?
covert agent: Aha, smuggling!
activist: We’ll impeach him too.
Smart: With optimistic paranoia for all.

the Daily Whale || copyright 2005, 2024 Jay J.P. Scott <jay@satirist.org>