North Factory: without good there could be no evil
Norm Al: these are the ending days
Texas Teachers Union: I sorted the chaos that heaven reviled
Norm Al: this is the end of days
Texas Teachers Union: into folders to render it gentle and mild
Norm Al: the world burns down in a final blaze
Texas Teachers Union: I doled out the color codes, taming the wild
Norm Al: overheated by solar rays
Texas Teachers Union: and I filed and I filed and I filed
North Factory: so it must be evil to be good sometimes
North Factory - after “Up There” sung by Satan in the movie _South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut_
Norm Al - after “Good Old Days” by Weird Al Yankovic, a song about looking back happily on one’s own terrible evil.
Texas Teachers Union - after “I Lied” by the Austin Lounge Lizards, a song about false marriage vows.
give me a clue so sweet and true
the Daily Whale
copyright 2013, 2024 Jay J.P. Scott