1 May 2019 - compare and contrast

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Hard Versus Soft Science

adjunct professor: Compare and contrast the back of beyond and the middle of nowhere.
student: Let’s see, what should my argument be?
Weird: If you are to function, the argument is given. What you need is a result.
student: I could say the back of beyond is more remote and the middle of nowhere is more desolate.
Weird: [sings] You take the H-mode and I’ll take the L-mode,
student: Hmm, “nowhere” cancels the idea of place altogether.
Weird: [sings] And I’ll spin a turbine before you.
student: Not big on following instructions?


H-mode and L-mode are from plasma fusion physics. H-mode plasma confinement has been considered more promising for a long time, but there is a line of research suggesting that L-mode could be better after all—maybe.

give me a clue so sweet and true

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