the Daily Whale - archive 2001

2023 2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
1999 1998 1991-1994

The long-awaited Arthur C. Clarke year.

January February March
1 turn of the millennium metaphorical boon superintelligence quiz
2 keeper repurpose superintelligence quiz 2
3 dishonor before death seeking the cure word to the wise
4 knowing better integrity word from the wise
5 Immanuel Kant boredom the wise and the word
6 delegation baseball Afghan statues
7 keeping secrets friends and enemies Afghan fundamentalism
8 acclaim enemies and friends fanatical
9 forward-looking statements books vs. computers feel in your heart
10 diaporesis power parenting bureaucracy
11 Jacob vs. angel power parenting 2 the obvious
12 sub rosa curing love laugh track
13 buying stuff stupidity and love office furniture
14 forestall revolution forever and ever to slur
15 different cities unauthorized biography rules of history
16 ultimate coercive authority Bill Clinton’s pardons criticism
17 only correct one shy: compliment takes on life
18 metric martyr nepotism the life you choose
19 debate hold your pose retired life
20 shy: debate argument smart enough
21 customer service hammer quiz philosophy simplified
22 Capitol Fever cosmic bubble autotrophy
23 believe what I say Answer Bot: spying mall normality
24 Humpty Dumpty polygraph quiz nuclear power
25 past and future quiz learn from the ignorant trust quiz
26 not believing life success
27 lucky misfortune good news, bad news cheese
28 novel titles baby programs difficulty
29 theory and practice market: bad candidate
30 MRE market: genius
31 shrubbish attempt the impossible
April May June
1 know the impossible accept your lot math major
2 if you don’t remember appearance quiz willpower
3 the news cherry blossom haiku money is no object
4 Sino-American dialog music take care
5 artist’s dilemma Cartoonist Day life is easy
6 two rights ethicist apodixis and apodioxis
7 truth by internet Cinco de Mayo opportunity
8 Horace Walpole Daily Whale quiz not spam
9 clean job growing older English verb tenses
10 classical simile lifelessness the only essential
11 expect the worst the steam of art life problem
12 are belong to us speeches glittering Wawa
13 diplomacy boredom greatest weakness
14 George W. Bush FBI belief quiz
15 President Double-You dynasty infallible
16 don’t understand life folk science buy my lunch
17 best practice old saws strangeness
18 fashion dangers shy: beauty truth shortage
19 crackpots rumor next time
20 sea quiz king of the Earth writing and speaking
21 daycare quiz cleaning house ostracism
22 taplomesis immaculate conception on the level
23 globalization irresistible force pun
24 curiosity Rainyday Cart destroying civilization
25 the most powerful force bean counting nervous
26 best things in life zero tolerance quiz unholy trident
27 truly great life is too short North Dakota
28 Sapphics for Sappho boardroom any fool
29 prosody fish without a bicycle infinite potential
30 boring mistakes changing the world self-reliant
31 English major
July August September
1 apology quiz a tragedy genius and madness
2 vice and virtue this tutu omnia vincit amor
3 procrastination blonde soak the future quiz
4 frame strong sharp love frog and prince
5 hard times remain ignorant free love
6 dotcom unpredictability good and bad days
7 double negative standards globalization quiz
8 speak well strength quiz Latin translated
9 solved by talking news report anti-everything
10 put out your eyes grass is greener antitrust quiz
11 large organization speaking nothing false workflow
12 sincerity know beans a mighty blow
13 going crazy populated by idiots Fate’s lawnmower
14 invaders beware my house sold twice take-home test
15 more coordinated intranet outsourcing the whitening pyre
16 tax questions list the forgotten civil liberty
17 the past laudable no simple answers
18 disaster you are here fall from the sky
19 created the world quiz Ogden Nash heal-all
20 ubiquity of nothing O violin crusade
21 hell and taxes abstraction the first casualty
22 mind of its own peer approval surgical strike quiz
23 missile defense reviews Infinite Justice quiz
24 missile defense 2 Oscar wild infinite justice quiz 2
25 missile defense 3 disasters security checkpoints
26 worldview not funny hazardous waste
27 every word true Bulwer-Lytton security patches
28 answering machine quiz indiscretion rationing quiz
29 seen farther four views impatience
30 evolution of language Dmitry Sklyarov last filing cabinet
31 duck sauce Dmitry Sklyarov 2
October November December
1 everyday waste time vacuum
2 work today talking to an idiot deadline
3 despair confusion Monday
4 complimentary offer surrender to Microsoft gossip spotters
5 complimentary offer 2 FUD old friends
6 complimentary thanks strategic re-envisionment being foolish
7 parsimony conspiracy theory live in infamy
8 alimony complexity insane reality
9 patience exactement originality
10 end of wisdom spintronics quiz global warming
11 the first step learn patience half-baked
12 radicals privacy policy co-conspirator quiz
13 insight and outlook the impossible last drop of blood
14 heartbreak extraordinary claims deal with
15 risk aversion no one succeeds boredom
16 surveillance society not shallow enough irrationality quotient
17 the school itself just around the corner send a message
18 the masters of war and love fleeting fame
19 unfamiliar danger cotton candy gone deaf
20 mental detector disco air travel insanity and lying
21 to contradict yourself Schroedinger’s cat box throwing caution
22 fully prepared the dull truth globalism protester
23 suspicious mail tribalism living arts
24 thinking about tomorrow above average the human art
25 postal workers wedded to a theory plastic icicles
26 war of words the enemy of germs Argentina
27 die horribly deficiencies last shall be first
28 hard-hitting questions deep problems control quiz
29 bin Laden 1 national security strange or stranger
30 bin Laden 2 the flying dugong a little rioting
31 two hells get away with it

the Daily Whale || copyright 2001 Jay J.P. Scott <>