the Daily Whale - archive 2023

2023 2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
1999 1998 1991-1994

Reversion to the mean?

January February March
1 reversion don't succeed bad ideas
2 dividing time formula e-ville
3 negotiation true religion wily hours
4 my horse the nail 2525
5 boot up unthinkable inviolable
6 only physicists worldship universal mistake
7 great leap forward extremism haystack
8 long spoons Chinese balloons moron
9 stupid audience trouble lateness
10 a first time with the army early riser
11 repeat a truth special offer deniable plausibility
12 Ilium quiz award-winning long term
13 throw pillow kill your babies said my Muse
14 simple or complex head in the sand on the loose
15 every problem absolution image generation 1
16 objectivity cheap balloons image generation 2
17 too hard water runs image generation 3
18 plicit long life image generation 4
19 Byzantine generals forget to die syndicate
20 everyday ideal prepared fact-based
21 learning still of the night vagance
22 not learning Uranus bank failures
23 Wagner Group innovation stop stopping
24 Prigozhin teasers good sequels
25 epidemic internet any errors
26 opinions social media Mission Design Series
27 German leadership rants inevitability
28 centralize, decentralize born and bred red lines
29 classified documents 1 whole problem
30 classified documents 2 in groups
31 own your failures software manual
April May June
1 another mistake civil engineering determination
2 horrorism potassium left is right
3 carry on time travel ultraprocessed
4 imposing peace potential good landing
5 nuclear umbrella click-clack fairway
6 APESHIT useless advice nontrivial
7 boll weevils nobody's perfect billions of years
8 destroy to save pride wrong
9 socially constructed knowledge-based hey, cool
10 live long enough the sane listening
11 perturbed proofreading invent inventing
12 universal language too late the loud few
13 rebuttal levels of dimension any other name
14 hard work mistake dirty skill
15 old age historical value full of emptiness
16 philosophy stealth cloud troublesome clothing
17 stories high standard personal and confidential
18 inexperience food and vegetables speechlessness
19 won't get it greatness nonexistence
20 entranced trustworthy enemies still water
21 be finished Standard Model quiz not evil
22 oversimplification ejection seat unspeak
23 making amends quiz when AI is here powerful R
24 wrong a thousand words humorous P
25 definitions the past thinks a small part
26 unsurpassed legal brief rebel Prigozhin 1
27 back up hard questions rebel Prigozhin 2
28 historical nihilism hindsight rebel Prigozhin 3
29 unprepared overclassification 1 rebel Prigozhin 4
30 joint force overclassification 2 innovation
31 crazy times
July August September
1 aluminum who you are fanatic
2 silver lining the rest quiz wrong
3 perseverance quiz solute road to Washington
4 supersede humanity witch hunt tyring the felloes
5 idea multitasking impertinent
6 not thinking outsource social media
7 freedom and security Donald Trump software spies
8 traffic jam civilization prototype
9 do better X bad knee
10 going right rear view mirror monikerization
11 artificial universe posthuman future impossible dreams
12 systematic gift buckling
13 morality moral reactions 1 Up-and-Coming AI
14 avoid cliches moral reactions 2 usual argument
15 bureaucracy health care system two fingers
16 old jokes colder than hell so much more
17 hoarder divorced from reality always broken
18 all's well inexcusable damn likes
19 hanging of disbelief Battersea placebo
20 prefrontal book banning complicated
21 dialectical materialism give up power plausibly defensible
22 up to more than spring impeculable
23 future temporary affinity group quiz
24 metasequoia nothing lasts toes of giants
25 representative democracy Prigozhin first names
26 wrong way false dichotomy self-determination
27 zero point energy wishful doom exobiology
28 riveting ignorance days are numbered
29 bite each other Legalist World worse every year
30 godownance stars epic
31 range of ranges shallow waters
October November December
1 impostor syndrome arsenic prolix
2 Nobble Prizes Cloud Hummingbird law books
3 essential oils Hamas Trump 1
4 differ-cults born doomed Trump 2
5 autonomous be a god Trump 3
6 corruption disarranged marriage Trump 4
7 in a lunchtime bandwagon overstatement
8 hypothetical reasoning remisassessment a fine line
9 your incompetence isotopology rats
10 stupid today bottom wrong answers
11 apostasy questions Fridge of No Return
12 ultraprocessed policy mistakes turn the world
13 living discourage the others conspiracy quiz
14 sacrifice others Fountain of Youth other people
15 in mourning not thinking BREAK GLASS
16 comrades in thought prevent war a hundred wiles
17 landscape artist deterrence imponderables
18 world wars deterrence quiz upper crust
19 just passing through velour cancel that!
20 graphic images good for me falling in love
21 put-down line Igor Girkin indispensable quiz
22 Procrusteanism C++ good problems
23 get odd shilly-shally crochet down
24 stern bow on purpose impossible
25 prudent small exaggeration dearth of mirth
26 protactinium learning how rich but honest
27 alienation learning more swallow exhaust
28 interesting complicity confirmation bias
29 freedom of information infirm firmament burning question
30 without pier interdict contingency plan
31 persistent hatred in between

the Daily Whale || copyright 2023 Jay J.P. Scott <>