the Daily Whale - archive 2020

2023 2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
1999 1998 1991-1994

According to an unpopular rumor, the year of clear vision. In other news, there seems to have been a slight pandemic. I hate when that happens.

January February March
1 2020 Brexit strangely enough
2 unique counter-eclecticism easy stuff first
3 quantum supremacy arrogant unchecked enthusiasm
4 reject Jesus Catherine Howard free success
5 practice 1 best judgment VEXAG
6 practice 2 snake oil spacesuit fingers
7 fire and flood invisible gorilla censorship 1
8 Suleimani Christmas Island censorship 2
9 consequences coronavirus 1 panic now
10 non-denial coronavirus 2 start talking
11 bad publicity coronavirus 3 are you weird?
12 moralizing coronavirus 4 tax worksheet
13 sea salt world stage COVID-19
14 interesting prolific social distancing
15 moving van house divided U.S. infects China
16 messiah unfair advantage end time
17 Trump library life book the virus got in
18 Iran nuclear deal false truths blessed plagues
19 paint a picture counts as immune 1
20 LAWS expected immune 2
21 invading Taiwan little lamb SARS-CoV-2
22 voracity under the sun COVID-20
23 incite archiving law remain unprepared
24 north pole I don’t say future generations
25 maintain awareness quarantine coronavirus vaccine
26 any two offices COVID-19 v1.0 breakthroughs
27 practice quiz hope and disease intend chaos
28 joy of learning real puppets golden era
29 plastic pollution 1 consequences don’t try this
30 plastic pollution 2 dinosaur antigravity
31 plastic pollution 3 hobby-horse of destiny
April May June
1 conspicuous presumption Xerxes imaginable
2 the stolen child chronic discovery noisy wok
3 free country normal George Floyd 1
4 general relativity impolitic George Floyd 2
5 my inferiors more than truth George Floyd 3
6 hypothetical world greatness George Floyd 4
7 sustainable explicit George Floyd 5
8 sweet dreams Big Bang George Floyd 6
9 the bucks learning George Floyd 7
10 paper shredding who runs Europe George Floyd 8
11 boredom 1 redeeming feature George Floyd 9
12 boredom 2 end of the world opportunity
13 boredom 3 cooperate deploy
14 brains quiz stringent precautions just ice
15 best by date plague years skill and luck
16 thorough search haste through the chin
17 our virus friend exigencies play of light
18 crowded theater sauna and sun lamp India-China
19 sunlight kills future and history headcount
20 tragedy artificial complacency quiz
21 negative price sliced bread important information
22 oil industry blame gravitas
23 dust beyond freedom ignorance
24 deserted area about truth practice
25 lockdown Georgette Heyer actual stop
26 bad things forgetting life
27 before science go viral measurement
28 Housman long arm exceptions
29 worse abandon hope fabricated
30 harmful lies one China wording
31 riots
July August September
1 the swift worry quiz soul
2 strategic defeat excluded middle
3 Ising model my mistakes emergency
4 dictionary lowercase topology quiz
5 mask requirement alternative facts planning ahead
6 alchemy worry next year
7 stable uncertain times 1 desloganize
8 self-interest uncertain times 2 democracy 1
9 end of the world gainsay democracy 2
10 negation world turns democracy 3
11 safety culture wealth thank me later
12 creativity your own planet political science
13 Wright’s Law misunderstanding armory
14 mandatory rules unspeakable India and China
15 pull together potential delegation
16 cue and memory compare and contrast opinions
17 confused drain the swamp objective reporting
18 common sense reading a joke election stealing
19 outcome creative facts
20 erosion everyday use unsaid 1
21 naivete firm opinions unsaid 2
22 young night ex sanguine behind
23 id-eology agent of evolution frail health
24 holes and hills offside talking
25 Peter Piper Trump campaign election
26 above the law pop culture debt for growth 1
27 vital smears struck by lightning debt for growth 2
28 less power triage every problem
29 intuition who wear glasses nuclear physics
30 saints fall out your views muddle
31 last Trump practice
October November December
1 Nagorno-Karabakh expect to learn vaccine 1
2 fall of night fugacity vaccine 2
3 trade negotiations a problem vaccine 3
4 superspreader understatement wishless
5 metal ages vote counting quiz who you believe
6 ethyl and methyl win the election asideput
7 worrier leaving the country Big Lie
8 world quiz show off urban legend
9 ovation election schedule mondayic acid
10 technical difficulty hard work honors
11 decisive battle new age overthinking
12 the Pentagon coping saw opinion
13 not my fault truth commission Planetary Defense
14 valued opinion if you win underfoot
15 evolving humans magical thinking postposterous
16 skeptic self-fulfilling learning nothing
17 election action! camera! qualified
18 to hell Joe Abiding phonotite
19 attack surface human error self-determination
20 quiet ones subject lesson twist of fate
21 lockdown bauble bath Weston-super-mare
22 non-military sordid this way good news
23 proxy war panic Secretary of Defense
24 maintenance-free corrosion now
25 Ha-Loosen chartreuse war criminals
26 ruination plague year quiz options
27 wrong way receive no evidence
28 steel air DNA questionable
29 simplicity giants artificial ingredients
30 industrial revolutions big data skepticism
31 cure project management

the Daily Whale || copyright 2020 Jay J.P. Scott <>