the Daily Whale - archive 2005

2023 2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
1999 1998 1991-1994

The 43rd Mersenne prime was discovered this year. It may be that other events occurred as well, but who’s counting?

January February March
1 bad taste the border relativism
2 wouldn’t have happened end in trash Earth
3 relief organizations foolish thing invention
4 truth fairy piloting a country key to progress
5 outlook lock-in ashamed luck
6 only principle happily ever after hit the snooze
7 life as a game respect the dead forgetfulness
8 young for long shy: no -work
9 moral duty open source put things off
10 like a shadow give your word thirst for knowledge
11 context isms corrupt a little crazy
12 tapioca pudding fulgurate less is more
13 enthusiasm primality forethought 1
14 everybody agrees Valentine’s quiz forethought 2
15 Huygens coverage preconceptions forethought 3
16 public relations missile defense ignorance is bliss
17 fuel moon the new quiz ignorance and power
18 bad deal one aim being right
19 Calypso outer space predication
20 miscellaneous limits of education famous people
21 keeping secrets true story greatness
22 discovery hopeless Dokdo Islets
23 perfectionism stay confused disclaimers
24 not listen bury the hatchet addenda
25 saying “no” autobiography ten years
26 accentuate paint colors I love U-235
27 generosity patent intelligence be a nobody
28 insane death penalty better read euthanasia
29 unintended consequences irreversible mistake
30 unintended consequences 2 stave off old age
31 intolerable ornery
April May June
1 daily news prejudices European Constitution
2 data data courage popular
3 walk away quiz proverbs code
4 stand down money, like art Deep Throat
5 Daylight Savings Time poorly done late future
6 complexity violence quiz patsy
7 old and wise sleep impossible
8 Shakespeare quiz defensive strict laws
9 the pope cycle of invention paranoia
10 one swallow success rush hour
11 future tense piece of mind quiz failure
12 what is not there soda debt relief
13 glory silence blunder
14 third party economist Earthlike planet
15 experienced mistakes 9 out of 10 ridiculous
16 bad habit trash = refuse pace of innovation
17 form designer striking truth absolution
18 agree with me stopped clock Occam’s Razor
19 desperation right about something placing of blame
20 your heart like like flinty-eyed
21 computer security attention data security
22 don’t say it remember everything concentrate
23 cliche can’t make it up delusions
24 eternity’s end experimentalist accept with serenity
25 textbook tiff half-witted intelligence
26 nonexistence new proverbs first-rate mind
27 well done quiz end of the tunnel eminent domain
28 mistakes hand of midnight therapy
29 everything securitize wracked with tact
30 bearing gifts chaotic regime figurehead
31 human nature
July August September
1 temptation nondisclosure agreement live in bunkers
2 tunnel don’t you understand New Orleans
3 against the crowd bury them New Orleans 2
4 Live 8 idiocy and luck Gulf
5 fireworks paranoia DHS
6 regrets surveillance crisis manager
7 trust history is over preparedness
8 second-finest reap the whirligig theater
9 London 2 landfall Katrina response quiz
10 London 3 right royalties Tokyo
11 of one religion whim of a hat get used to
12 terror laws wisdom with age outsourcing 1
13 instruction human outsourcing 2
14 comic flaw not grown up outsourcing defined
15 tide of knowledge intelligent design everything changes
16 as bad as possible intelligent design 2 intelligence
17 never give love of adventure burial quiz
18 can’t handle safety in numbers statistics
19 million dollars enemies political paralysis
20 ridiculous quiz random scapegoat permission
21 learn a new thing information weapon Environmental Impact
22 ten times as much secret agent blogger protect the future
23 through the surface learning humility hurricane planning
24 suicide bomber to the emptiest global warming
25 death penalty oil price quiz proud of ignorance
26 NY > London realism superpower quiz
27 fair shake implausible urbane
28 cartoons knowledge sheer madness
29 charged information dumbfounded fools walk in
30 double-0 having been wrong risk quiz
31 without grenades split the hair
October November December
1 struggle to derive cats inline outlining
2 air molecules forgetfulness cynicism
3 document the impossible jargon mix moonless nights
4 song that never starts pirates vs. ninjas invented and lamented
5 conventional wisdom Apple vs Sony skepticism
6 customer farming Sony EULA arguing
7 modern methods riots in France rendering and rendition
8 mission from God Burning Car the future
9 same laziness cultural diversity machinitarian
10 extirpation devil-make-hair in at the mouth
11 survive disaster dream imagination
12 bad strategy middle name one for the money
13 hell hath Cathy invent
14 intelligent design 3 hunch history-makers
15 forgive anyone rule of law not an option
16 brain, brain Sony in therapy mysterious codes
17 all’s fair houseflies web sites
18 greatest university politics and reality upholding terminology
19 bird flu quiz Greek storms warrantless
20 Angela Merkel rendered polygons never too late
21 no followers despair and hope well-understood
22 hunches write a novel 1 embarrassments
23 secret printer codes writing a novel 2 space travel
24 two kinds writing a novel 3 Solstice Holiday
25 blame market writing a novel 4 road to Washington
26 news about rumors writing a novel 5 history
27 stupid mistake writing a novel 6 most important
28 raven and writing desk complexity neither a follower
29 brainwashing different emergencies not a dictator
30 proverbs tortured activist and agent
31 Liddy to Libby Weird and agent

the Daily Whale || copyright 2005 Jay J.P. Scott <>